Friday, 29 April 2016

Me Made May 2016

Hello! When this post publishes I should be sampling the sights, sounds and hopefully scrummy food of Amsterdam, fingers crossed for some veggie options! As May begins while I am away I wanted to nip in before it does to tell you that I have signed up for Me-Made-May 2016
I have wanted to do this for a few years now but have either missed the sign-up date or feared that I wouldn't have enough me-made garments to see me through the whole month, well this year I decided to take the pledge!
I, Wendy from this blog right here oh and this one over here (The Vintage Pattern Files), sign up as a participant of 'Me-Made-May 2016. I endeavour to wear at least THREE me-made items each week for the duration of May 2016, which I will attempt to document here!'
I am hoping by setting my me-made garments to just three a week I will be able to easily keep to this target and may occasionally exceed it. It certainly should be a fun way to make the most of my lovingly handcrafted garments as the weather warms up and will no doubt help to highlight the gaps in my wardrobe that could do with filling (I've got an inkling it will be 'need more separates, no more dresses!').

If you fancy joining in yourself then there is still time to hop over to Zoe's Blog 'So, Zo...' and take the pledge, it is really very flexible and designed to be a bit of fun rather than a strict challenge, so if you think it's something you might enjoy then why not have a go!

Wendy x

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