Sunday 22 November 2015

Giveaway - Knit Vintage

I mentioned in my recent review of Knit Vintage that I had accidentally ended up with two copies of this pretty little book, one had been an impulse buy from me a few weeks before my birthday and by chance, the other was a birthday present from my parents, at least they know what I like! So seeing as I really don't need two copies I have decided to give one away to you lovely readers as an early Christmas gift!

If you missed my review of Knit Vintage then it's worth hopping back to have a look to see all the lovely patterns you could be winning!

All you have to do is leave a comment below (needn't be anything fancy just a count me in will do!) by 30th of November for your chance to win!

I will post anywhere in the world, so feel free to take part!

I will draw one name at random on Tuesday 1st December and I will publish the winners name here!

Oh, I know some of you are having issues with the Disqus comment form, so if you are having problems leaving comments on this post then just drop me a count me in email instead to and I'll add your entry to the list!

Good luck!
Wendy x

Ok so after using random number generator thingy, it's given me the number...
Seven which if I work from oldest to newest means the winner is Kate-Em!

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Read It - Knit Vintage

As we are creeping ever closer to Christmas I thought it might be a good idea to publish a few of the book reviews I have been working on, to perhaps give you a better idea of things to ask Santa for, or perhaps not to ask Santa for! So today I am going to to have a good old look at Knit Vintage, a book which I accidentally have two copies of, one I got one for my birthday last year from my parents, and the other was bought as a treat to myself a few weeks earlier, whoops!

Knit Vintage ~
Also printed as 'Sweater Girls' in the US
By Madeline Weston and Rita Taylor
Published by Jacqui Small Publishing 2012
RRP £20.00

'Knit Vintage offers a fantastic selection of more than 20 timeless designs based on original women’s knitwear patterns from the 1930s to the 1950s.  Drawing from their own extensive collections of vintage knitting patterns, authors Madeline Weston and Rita Taylor have chosen garments for their classic style and updated them to appeal to 21st century tastes. The patterns, which incorporate traditional stitch formations such as cables, lace, Fair Isle and other motifs, have been adapted to suit an array of gorgeous modern yarns in fashion-forward colours and sumptuous textures, including merino, angora, cotton, bamboo, cashmere, alpaca and silk. All feature classic touches that will appeal to anyone who loves the exquisite attention to detail found in vintage knitwear. Beautifully styled and photographed, this bespoke collection of 20 projects will delight every knitter and fashionista who appreciates the classic elegance of the original sweater girls and the retro silhouettes of the silver-screen starlets.' (Quote: Jacqui Small LLP)