Sunday, 28 July 2019

Monthly Meanderings - September 2018

So we now have reached September 2018, I know these videos are late but will catch up to present day very soon!

~ Steam Trains, Spuds & Sewing ~

In September 2018 there was a trip to the Churnet Valley Railway, Some vintage knitting patterns, a spot of DIY and some desperate attempts to create a 'proper' Video, the out takes of which lie within the minutes of the below video. All of this and you'll finally seem my gurning face and my voice together for the first time on film anywhere to date...which is utterly terrifying! Please excuse the nervousness and the consequential over editing to create a sentence without the word ERRRM.

Wendy x
PS. Again there are edited subtitles if my mumbling gets too difficult to understand!

Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Monthly Meanderings - August 2018

Around this time last year I decided to start recording little snippets of the (hopefully) interesting things I got up to, with the intent to make little videos that I could share on here each month, in an effort to get back into blogging, just in a much less wordy way. 

~ Yarn Bombing, Sewing & The Seaside ~
Nina Lee Kew Dress Sewing prep / Appuldurcombe House / The biggest pdf stick together I have ever done /
Isle of Wight Mod Weekender / Barwell Yarn bombing / Waiting for the Train at Brading Station

Unfortunately, though finished for months now it has taken ages for me to upload these videos, partly because I have had no real internet at home for a nearly a year, and partly due to genuine fear of sharing it. The fear has now been suppressed (though I may well delete them in the future when I remember I am too shy for this malarky).

So even though it's mega late I thought I may as well share it, and you get to hear my voice for the first time - all be it my 'phone' voice, which I can't seem to shake when talking to the camera (or myself, clearly). At least my mum will be proud that I've hidden my more cockney overtones*- though they do sneak out here or there!

So here is the first, from Aug 2018, there is Yarn Bombing, Nina Lee Dress pattern waffling and a really lovely trip to the Isle of Wight with lots of Trains!!

Wendy x

That said, despite my best efforts to be audible youtube has not been able to figure out much of what I am saying! So I have done my best to correct the subtitles to the videos to ensure my anxious witterings make some sense to those not as well versed in mumbling cockney!