Hello, my name is Wendy!
I guess you're here to find out a little more about me, well...
I'm a graphic designer & photographer from old London town - who now lives in the leafy shire of Leicester
I knit and sew in every spare moment
I dig on for victory in my allotment
I am a scribbler of lists, lots of lists, lists make me happy
Quaffer of Babycham
I love old trains, planes, and I guess buses
I sing - if you can call it that - along to old records
I battle daily with my bad spelling - Thank heavens for the squiggly line & Grammarly
I watch too much Poirot and anything Sci-fi
I am a lover of history and I am especially fascinated by the 1940s
I am a hoarder of fabric, sewing and knitting patterns
I called this little space of the interweb 'The Butterfly Balcony' after spotting a butterfly landing on one of the newly grown (all by me) flowers on my balcony back when I lived in Walthamstow. My mum, however, is convinced its name refers to the fact I can never settle on one thing for too long and I'm always flitting between projects, which if I am honest, actually works just as well and at least makes it sound like I'd put some thought into it!
I started blogging as a way to keep track of the things I was making for friends and family, and also so that I could share my love of history, crafting and my vintage wardrobe with the world. When I started blogging there was no way I could have known what a life-enhancing experience it would be for this shy woman from Walthamstow. Finding that there were like-minded people in the world, has been a huge confidence booster and meant I have I had the good fortune to get to know some of the most lovely people in the world!
Some Random Facts:
I started blogging as a way to keep track of the things I was making for friends and family, and also so that I could share my love of history, crafting and my vintage wardrobe with the world. When I started blogging there was no way I could have known what a life-enhancing experience it would be for this shy woman from Walthamstow. Finding that there were like-minded people in the world, has been a huge confidence booster and meant I have I had the good fortune to get to know some of the most lovely people in the world!
Some Random Facts:
- My favourite book is Enigma by Robert Harris.
- I would pick a war film over a Rom Com or Chick Flick EVERY time.
- I have worked as a Groom in a Hertfordshire Stables, a Lab Assistant in a Snappy Snaps in Knightsbridge and currently I'm the head graphic designer for a scale model company.
- I have a real weakness for Converse trainers, cute animal pictures, bad TV, salt 'n' vinegar crisps, pickled onions & Sushi.
- I could not go a day without listening to music, picking favourites is actually impossible as there is soo much to love, but it's 1960s music I am most likely to be found immersed in!
- My mum taught me to knit and sew when I was little, though when my mum was not looking I would get my nan to 'help' me finish my knitting projects, mostly scarves for teddies.
- I could live on Marmite & toast and have often tried!
- I have an exclamation mark problem!!!!!!!! I'm prone to use them with abandon!!
- I have a crippling fear of flying despite an obsession with wartime flying exploits, it makes no sense!
I also have another blog called The Vintage Pattern Files, which is where I link up to free vintage patterns from across the web, so if you like that kind of thing why not hop on over!
Wendy x*AKA: Beaufighter (when aggressive, a 24-7 sate of mind), Beau Diddley (when he is being nice - ok asleep), or Beau-zo (when he is being stupid, jumping at closed windows, yes seriously)