Monday, 25 July 2011

Bloggy Awards

 Right I promised this a few days ago now so here it is at last

Firstly the ever so stylish Nabby from This Old Life kindly gave me the Liebster Blog award.
 You must if you have not already, go and visit her blog, she makes the most stunning 1930's outfits which are beautiful in every detail, you will be amazed and very jealous of her skill I promise!

 Next, the lovely Miss Katie from Little Red Squirrel was kind enough to give me three awards in one! Miss Katie is another gal who's blog you must visit! She's one multi-talented lass, she knits, she sews and she embroiders like a dream, just check out her saucy Pin up girls they will make you want to take up your needle and thread right away!

 Part of the award was to list some facts about yourself, so here we go:

1. I wear glasses, there I have said it, Yep I am as blind as a bat without them but it's rare that you'll ever catch me wearing them in photos as I just haaate em! But just for you...

What do you mean Jarvis wants his specks back?
2. My all time favourite Movie director is Alfred Hitchcock, I Just love every one of his films (though I still haven't watched Phyco yet, I'm too scared). Also, I was born in the same part of London, Leytonstone as Hitch, quite a few years later might I add!

3. My favourite book to date is Enigma by Robert Harris, I read it a few years ago and I was completely captivated, it has made me slightly obsessed with learning all about the Enigma machines and Bletchley park, I'm sure I will bore you all about this very soon. Ps, the film version is good but the book is soo much better!

4.  I called this blog The Butterfly Balcony, as on the day that I was procrastinating on starting this blog I needed a name (obviously) and as I was gazing out of my window I spotted my very first Butterfly landing on one of the newly grown (all by me) flowers on my balcony, and so it became the Butterfly Balcony- I have to say now that veg growing is my new love I am not so fond of Madame Butterfly! My mum, however, is convinced it is so named because I can never settle on one thing for too long and am always flitting between projects, which to be honest actually works just as well as an explanation and makes it sound like I had put some thought into it!

So on to the new recipients of these awards:

I realise these are not up everyone's street, so I understand if you decline, either way, it is an opportunity for me to say how great you guys are and how much I enjoy reading your blogs!

Wendy x

Thursday, 14 July 2011

I'm Back...

Wow, it has been nearly a month since I have been on here! It's been so long that when I logged in to my blogger dashboard today it had completely changed, it has gone all fancy and swish and very orange! It all looks great but it feels a bit like when your favourite food store changes around all of its products, you wander around dazed and confused trying to find all the bits you usually buy knowing that when you get home your bound to have missed something! To prove this point I have already managed to accidentally wipe this post not once, but twice! So please forgive me if it is more pictures than words as I have lost most of the enthusiasm I started with, on typing this up for the third time!
Now that I am well and truly back in London my holiday has started to feel like a distant but very lovely memory and as I have done nothing of any great interest since my return I thought I would share some of what I got up to.

So first on the agenda was attending the Isle of Wight Festival
I went with my little brother and we had a fantastic time we listened to bands we had both been wanting to see for ages like the Foo Fighters Pulp and the Kaiser Chiefs which were all fantastic and we munched on some yummy but very expensive food like ostrich burgers!?!! 
...and took loads of silly selfies while waiting between bands.
The weather was on the other hand was just a little less than fantastic. My dreams of being all summery and floaty in my new dresses were almost lost as I only got to wear a dress on the Saturday, and due to it being really chilly, it and I spent most of the time under a jacket, woollen poncho which was topped with one of my mums beautiful crocheted blankets!   
The first two days were relatively sunny if not a bit too cold but on Sunday the weather changed to heavy rain mixed with very strong wind rendering the site a blustery mud bath.
Is it raining?? Guess which silly Blogger forgot their Wellies?!?  Note:pocket full of plastic bags as emergency shoe cover!
I have to say I had been feeling a bit disappointed that we hadn't camped this year that was until we were entering the venue on the Sunday and saw that lots of people were gloomily leaving having packed up their mud soaked items to go home early. 

We stuck it out though and found the best thing is to accept it (once your soaked your soaked it is not going to get any worse) and enjoy yourselves regardless, having said that we were in the very lucky position of being just a bus ride away from mums for a warm brew, hot shower and cozy nights sleep!
Not a good Idea to stand this close to a open flame in polyester dress
On the Monday after the festival it was really sunny so we were able to have a small barbecue in the garden, which in itself is a mini miracle as there is no power stronger than that of lighting a barbecue in Britain to bring on the rain clouds!

We even managed a few country walks, one of which we all got hopelessly lost, I blame my Mum she has lived in Wroxall for for 6 years now and convinced us she knew where we were going, but to be honest it may have been the fact that we were too busy talking to notice of the correct sign posts, and the fact my Dad was not there to keep us on the right track, either way we still had fun and got lots of lovely fresh country air.

My brother went back to Liverpool on Wednesday so the remainder of the week was spent with me and mum doing lots of Charity shopping (hurrah) whilst dodging sudden downpours.

Ryde High Street
I have to say if any of you are ever to venture over to the island the best places I've found so far for charity shops are:
Ryde - Loads, lost count, start at the very top of the hill and work down.
Newport - Try wandering down some of the back streets to find the best independent ones.  
Shanklin - Quite a few here and all close to each other.
Ventnor - Not as many but most are priced reasonably.

I'm sure this is just the tip of the iceberg as there is loads of places I didn't get to visit this time, but to be honest there were so many that I think I overdosed and haven't been in one since being back in London, though I'm sure that will all change very soon! I managed to get some bits and bobs for myself (a very 70s maxi skirt £2.99, some Glen Miller records 3 for £1 and some lovely 50's curtains for £2. plus lots more). I also found a few things for my lovely 'Faith Hope and Charity Swap' partner which should mean that the parcel should be winging its way to her very soon.

So that was my holiday I honestly don't know where the time has gone I can't believe it went so quickly. I had a fabulously relaxing time and enjoyed every minute! I'm off now to catch up on all your lovely blogs, I haven't been able comment on some blogs recently, I just can't publish the comments, Is it just me?? Perhaps it's due to the blogger facelift, I guess I might need to update my web browser? I'll give it a go, fingers crossed this does the trick!

Oh, before I sign off, I want to say a quick Thank You to Nabby and Miss Katie for giving me some lovely blog awards, which I will do a post about ASAP. Thanks, Ladies you really helped rid me of my post holiday blues!

Wendy x