Wednesday, 9 March 2016

Wendy's Week - Horses & Hyacinths

Hello, I hope you are having a marvellous March!
Here is what I've been getting up to this week...

~ Horses & Hyacinths ~
- 29th Feb - 6th March -
Wendy's Week - Horses & Hyacinths Header A bemused Beau // Mustard Miette // Me and Gus // Jessica Jones // Blooming Hyacinths // My  Mum in the 1960's
A bemused Beau // Mustard Miette // Me and Gus // Jessica Jones // Blooming Hyacinths // My  Mum in the 1960's
- I started watching Jessica Jones. After a slight detour via Unbreakable, I got the chance this weekend to watch Netflix's Jessica Jones.  I'll be honest, I am not one of the cool kids who has read the comic book, so I came to it not knowing anything other than it's by Marvel and so it's bound to contain superheroes, oh, and that it has a pretty enticing trailer. I've only watched three episodes so far, but WOW it's shaping up to be very exciting, it is a bit racy so if that kind of thing offends you you've been warned, I really love Krysten Ritter as the feisty Jessica Jones and as I said before it's got David Tennant in it so I'm definitely sticking around for more!

Wendy's Week Horses & Hyacinths - Blooming Hyacinths

- Blooming Hyacinths. The bulbs I planted up last Sunday have grown a huge amount in just a week. They are now all in full bloom and are currently filling my flat with their amazing spring scent. As lovely as their scent is it is a constant reminder that I need to get active on my allotment, I have let it go by the wayside a little as I have so much to do over the last few months (or at least that's what I am telling busy) I really need to get digging and deciding on what seeds to plant, which is actually my favourite bit so not too difficult a task to get myself to get going on that!

Wendy's Week - Horses & Hyacinths - Beau cat and the charity shop DVD's and Books
"Carry on feeble human"

- Started the spring clean. On Saturday I managed to pluck up the courage to begin the spring cleaning I've been promising myself I'd do since January.  I started with the living room, which is where all my books and DVD's amongst other things are kept. My method for the sort out is simple; if it hasn't been used, watched or read in the last few years then it's in the charity pile. The exception being if I really love it then it can stay. So far it has worked quite well, I think partly because I am reminding myself that I can always buy another copy in the future if I really need to!

I've actually managed to make a hefty dent and my shelves are breathing a sigh of relief. Currently, my 'out' pile is stacked up on the kitchen table (behind that regal looking moggy) as a reminder to myself that I need to take them to the charity shop, soon. It has really made me aware that I have an awful lot of stuff that I just don't need, I mean had no idea I owned so many Jamie Oliver cookbooks (six), which apart from the one I am keeping I have never once used!  Next up, is the bedroom and being this is where all my sewing supplies and clothes are lovingly stored, I know I will find this a little (OK a lot) harder to be so ruthless with, but I know it's necessary!

Wendy's Week - Horses & Hyacinths - Harpenden Stables Wendy and Gus
Me and Gus (Emperor Augustus to give him his show name) with inquisitive Louis in the background

- Horses for courses. In my tidying, I found a CD full of photos from the years I worked as a Groom at a livery stable. I started my equestrian career, as short-lived as it was, after reading an advert in the local newspaper about an NVQ course in Horse Care at a local stable. Loving animals but never having ridden a horse in my life, despite always wanting to, it seemed a good, free, way learn and as I had just left college and was floundering with what I wanted to do as a career it was an interesting stop gap. From the minute I set foot on the yard, I loved it and felt at home in the mud and the fresh air (explains the allotment), once the course ended I got my first job at a yard in Hertfordshire, where I had my first taste of independence and a wage packet of £70 a week, which seemed like an utter fortune at the time! They were the happiest days of my life, and looking back at the pictures has made me realise that over the many, many (many) years that have passed since I left the stables behind, I have actually really missed it. So I am planning to, once I have saved up my pennies, to take some refresher lessons and hopefully recapture some of the fun I have been missing!

 - The Big Vintage Sew-along As cleaning my living room took nearly all weekend I didn't find any time for crafting, I did, however, receive an email this week about the Big Vintage Sew-along currently being hosted by Butterick. The idea is that you purchase a pattern from a selection of 20 patterns from their vintage range, sew it up and then show it off using #bvsewalong on Instagram and Twitter. The money raised from the sale of each pattern will go to help fund The Eve Appeal Charity in their work preventing and fighting women's cancers, a good cause I think you'll agree! I am really very tempted to join in, once I can decide on a pattern that is (I'm drawn to the 1930s patterns in this selection, the McCalls skirt & blouse and though I would have no occasion to wear it this dress is just swoon!), though to be honest I need more sewing patterns like I need a hole in the head, but as it's for charity I think I can definitely make an exception!

Are you taking part in the Big Vintage Sew-along?

Wendy x

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