Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Sew It - Peppa Pig Pillow

It was my God daughter Willows 2nd birthday party a few weekends ago and much fun was had by all. We were very lucky to have the most wonderful weather and spent a gloriously summery afternoon relaxing in the garden whilst Willow and her cousins played in and with her new sand pit, and ate their weight in cake and crisps.

On the gift front, I bought willow a book which was one of my very favourites when I was a child, The Jolly Postman. I was absolutely obsessed with this book and every time my mum would take me to the library I would return it only to take it out again! To accompany the book I wanted to make something homemade and so I hit upon a cushion cover appliquéd with Willows Favourite Peppa Pig.

~ Peppa Pig Appliqué Cushion ~

The Butterfly Balcony - Homemade Peppa Pig Appliqué cushion
1 Pillow Case
Pink fleece fabric for body
Scraps of fabric for appliqué

First I started by finding a suitable image of Peppa online, I chose this cute fairy one which I think works perfectly. I printed it out as large as I could on an A4 sheet so that I had a rough guide for cutting out my pieces.

To make the cushion I bought a child's single duvet set from Asda I unpicked the seams of the pillow case and then cut it in half to make into two cushions (the other cushion is still to be finished which will be George).

I next raided the stash of fabric scraps my mum had sent me a few months ago (thanks, mum) and created Peppa along with the bright pink fleece throw I had bought from Asda last year, which I used for her face, hands and legs! I used iron-on Bondaweb to hold the bits in place whilst I zigzagged around all the raw edges, Finally, I finished with a few buttons on her crown and wand and added some French knots for her eyes.

Lastly sewed up the sides to make the cushion, I used a tutorial (this is a good one!) to make a very simple envelope cushion cover, and I was done!

The Butterfly Balcony - Homemade Peppa Pig Appliqué cushion

I am pleased to say that it went down really well, though my button sewing skills took a bit of a testing as they were mercilessly pulled at, but thankfully the metallic thread seems to have them held in place, for now at least!! 

Wendy x

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