Thursday, 23 April 2020

Monthly Meanderings - August 2019

August has rolled around and it is full of things to be done!

Gardening, Island'ing & Vegan BBQ'ing ~
Beautiful Butterfly on the Budlia // Benn and my Dad enjoy a pub dinner
Dom came to visit and inspired a Vegan BBQ // 'Somewhere over Shanklin'

In this episode there is a little catchup on the garden, which includes some surprise potatoes, some of which were eaten as soon as they were dug up! 

There is another little trip to the Isle of Wight  where we he'd to Dimbola lodge and see the Bowie Photo Exhibition I wanted to see the last time we were there! I have to say the weather was particularly fierce and certainly added a sense of drama to the occasion!

And some gorgeous cows which we saw on our way home from Shanklin!

Once back on the mainland there is some house plant repotting to do and a very exciting trip to the compost heap (what do you mean its not exciting) oh and a little Vegan BBQ, which went a little bit vegans were harmed don't worry!

Wendy x

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