Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Wendy's Week - A Stegosaur & A Self Draft Skirt

After a bit of soul searching I have come to realise the reason I don't post very often on this blog is that I tend to only post when I have finished something, be it a book, a jumper or even a cake, and as these things take time to achieve and even more time to write up, it can be months before I have anything ready to publish. So today I am starting a new feature which I am calling Wendy's Week (you know I love alliteration and lame titles, haha). It's my effort to make this blog a little more personal and give you more of an insight into who I really am and what I actually get up to!

I can't promise that it will always be wildly interesting, I mean I am an ordinary lass so my life is a little dull most of the time, but it will at least give me the chance to talk about some of the things that happen each week (the good and the bad) which are worth documenting, but are not quite important enough to have a whole post dedicated to them!

A Stegosaur & A Self Draft Skirt
- 1st - 7th Feb 2016 - 
butterflybalcony on Instagram:  Self Draft Skirt // Stegosaurus // Zumba // Old Family Photos // Current Read // Best Nine 2015
butterflybalcony on Instagram: 
Self Draft Skirt // Stegosaurus // Zumba // Old Family Photos // Current Read // Best Nine 2015

After a bad start to 2016, I decided to write January off as a false start and have determined to make February and the rest of the year as good as I can make it!

 - I connected with a long lost school friend. Thanks to the power of Facebook my best friend from senior school found me and got in contact! Despite the 12 years that have passed since we last spoke and the completely different paths in life we have taken, we were able to laugh and joke exactly the way we had back at school, it was wonderful and we have made plans to meet up soon!

The Butterfly Balcony: Wendy's Week - A Stegosaur & A Self Draft Skirt  Zumba

I attended a Zumba class, on my own, and didn't hate it! I am not going to lie, taking this class pushed me right out of my comfort zone and triggered all of my anxiety buttons; going somewhere on my own, talking to people I don't know and dancing around in public. But I did it, and actually despite my utter lack of coordination I really enjoyed it, it was actually rather liberating and the ladies (that I had the courage to speak to) were all lovely and put my mind totally at rest. One small step to finding some more confidence!

The Butterfly Balcony: Wendy's Week - A Stegosaur & A Self Draft Skirt 'A woman in Berlin'

- I started reading a new book. A Woman in Berlin is a diary account of a young woman's life in Berlin in the days during the fall and occupation by the Russians in 1945. It truly is a gripping account which is eloquently written by its anonymous author. I have only read a few chapters but it's already proving to be a very moving, shocking and if I am honest eye-opening book, which is certainly worth a read, if that's your thing!

The Butterfly Balcony: Wendy's Week - A Stegosaur & A Self Draft Skirt  - Natural History Museum

- I squared up to a Stegosaurus. On Saturday I went on a day trip into central London with my friend Christine and her beautiful little daughter Kiera (you will have seen Kiera on the blog before here). We headed to the Natural History Museum to see the dinosaur exhibition as both me and Keira love Dinosaurs! Unfortunately, once we got there we realised it was closed for refurbishment, or as one of the lovely staff told Keira because the T-rex was tired needed a little holiday, adorable!

The Butterfly Balcony: Wendy's Week - A Stegosaur & A Self Draft Skirt Natural History Museum

Despite the lack of Dinosaurs, we sill had a truly lovely day and spent it tracking down any other Dinos we could find amongst the rest of the museums exhibits. It was a day full of fun and lots of laughter, Kiera was so well behaved and genuinely relished in the experience, which made it all the more enjoyable, though I must confess to feeling utterly worn out when I got home!

- I finished my first project of 2016! And blogged about it, finally finishing my Stained Glass Granny Square Blanket, was a wonderful start to February, I have lots of  projects which just need a little attention to finish them off, so fingers crossed I should have more to show very soon!

Wendy's Week - A Stegosaur & A Self Draft Skirt  - Sew Over it Box Pleat Skirt 1950's

- I started work on a new sewing project. I bought myself Lisa Comfort's Sew Over It Vintage, book back in November and I've been eyeing up her self drafted 1950's Box Pleat skirt pattern ever since. After a bit of a sort out of my sewing stuff I found I had enough red crepe left over from my disastrous 1950's Jubilee suit to make up the skirt, which is even more of a result as it matches the original in the book perfectly! So far I have managed to draft the pattern and cut out all my fabric pattern pieces. I just need to add the pattern markings to the fabric and then I will be ready to start overlocking, hopefully I will be able to do that one evening this week so that I can get stitching at the weekend!

What have you been up to this week?
Wendy x

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