Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Wendy's Week - Photography & Films

Hello, hello, I hope your week has been a glorious one! Mine has been full of friends film and photography which means it's been another busy one for me, since I started these posts I have actually been out and about more that I have over the last year, which is great, I hope it continues!

~ Photography & Films ~
-15th - 21st February-
Wendy's Week - Photography & Films - Insta Collage

-  The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. I finally watched this for the first time this week after years of putting it off. I think I heard a BBC the radio adaptation of the book a few years back, but I'm not really sure if I had actually listened to it or someone had told me about it, either way I had an idea of what the film was about and it was for that reason I put of watching it, I just was not sure I could handle it. This week I spotted it was being shown on BBC4 and so I decided it was time. I am sure by now most of you will have already seen it, but if you haven't all I will say it is a very moving, powerful and horrifying film, which utterly broke me, days later I was still thinking about it, which to my mind is the mark of a good film.

- Went to the cinema, again! This time I took along my good friend and ex-work colleague Alan to see Dad's Army. Neither of us were expecting very much from the film, but we both came out having really rather enjoyed it, it's the kind of silly humour that the British do best and as long as you don't think to much about the original series, it really is rather fun. The biggest surprise of the evening was when Alan told me that the last time he had been to the cinema was in 1994 to watch Four Weddings and A Funeral, yes that means it is 22 years since he last set foot in the cinema, and it so happened to be the same cinema, oh and the time before that was to see Ghostbusters in 1984! Blimey and I thought I didn't get out much!

- Ogled the Knitwear in 'The Imitation Game' and blogged about it. Oh and then had to watch the film again, just for good measure! I have been working on a film fashion post about 'The Imitation Game' for a while now as from the moment I first saw it in the cinema I was smitten with the Fair Isle woolly wonders it contained!

Wendy's Week - Photography & Films - Daffodils

- Flower Power. As a thank you for taking him to the cinema after 22 years (still can't quite believe that!) Alan bought me some Daffodils, which after Sweet peas are my favourite flowers! They have been sitting pride of place on my mantle piece for the last few day and they have really made such a difference to the grey winter days, they are so cheerful it's impossible not to smile when you look at them, oh and yes that is a pint glass they are in. I don't own a vase, I know, I'm all class me!

Drinks with a friend. After work on Friday and a quick change in to my newly finished Miette, I headed up to Westfield in Stratford to meet up with another ex-colleague, this time from my days working at Snappy Snaps, Phillip. We meet up every few months or so for a catch up on what's been going on our lives, to commiserate how old we have gotten and for a drink, or two. or three, yeah three is nearer the mark, which is lovely, and usually results in a fuzzy head the next morning. Didn't I say I was not much of a drinker!

Wendy's Week - Photography & Films - Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

- Took a trip to the V&A. The highlight of my week was on Sunday when I went up to the V&A in central London to catch the last day of a photography exhibition of one of my favourite photographers, Julia Margaret Cameron. I first fell in love with her work whilst on one of our family holidays to the Isle of Wight, we visited her home and now gallery Dimbola Lodge, I was instantly entranced, the way she captured her models was fleetingly beautiful and very striking, her work inspired me so much that I decided to study photography at college.

The Butterfly Balcony: Wendy's Week - Photography & Films - Julia Margaret Cameron Exhibition at the V&A Red Room

Wendy's Week - Photography & Films - Julia Margaret Cameron at the V&A

We are now so used to capturing the minutia of our days that it's easy to forget how magical and modern photography once was, and it's also impossible not to admire her achievements during a time when women were supposed to know their place. She had many well know sitters which included the likes of Tennyson, Darwin and Rossetti, also the fact she only took up photography aged 48 and achieved so much when photography was actually quite a dangerous pastime (those chemicals were quite toxic) is a testament to her determination.

Wendy's Week - Photography & Films - Artefacts at the V&A

Oh, while I was at the V&A I had intended to get a few nice pictures of my new Miette cardie, but as you will see from the below picture, it was not meant to be. The fact I had dressed in about 50 layers to brace against the cold (it was actually quite mild out, so it was utter overkill) meant that once inside the museum I was boiling so I turned into a very un-photogenic sweaty mess!

Wendy's Week - Photography & Films - Me in my Miette Cardigan despite the heat!

None the less I thought I would share this ever so glamorous bathroom selfie as it reflects more what I usually look like, which is, ever so slightly dishevelled, ha ha! Despite the hot flush it was a lovely way to spend a Sunday, the V&A is a great museum full of wonderful artefacts, beautiful (mostly naked *blushes*) sculptures and best of all it's totally free!

Have you been up to anything fun? Or seen any good films lately?
Wendy x

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