Monday, 2 September 2013

Things to Make and Do - Fall For Cotton A Sewing Challenge

Have any of you joined the Fall for Cotton Challenge created by the loveliest of lovelies Tasha and Rochelle?

Fall For Cotton 2013 A Sewing Challenge

Obviously, I have and I can't wait to get cracking. For me, it could not have come at a better time as on Friday the BF boarded a flight to Australia, which means for the whole month of September it's just me, the cat and the sewing machine to keep us company. I am a bit sad I can't go too, but I am firmly focusing my energies on enjoying the next few weeks by spending it on some me time! Having no guilt at lavishing a whole day on sewing, when I probably should be doing something more responsible like cleaning or cooking, will be just lovely!

So on to what I plan to make, well I have three things in mind which I would love to be able finish in time for the deadline, fingers crossed. First up is a blouse, which the minute I saw I just fell in love with! I finally got around to watching ITV's Lightfields a few weekends ago, (one of my OTT full fashion posts will follow soon, my, my there are some lovely knitted's!) and was hit with a overwhelming desire to copy two things Eve wears the first being this blouse.

Fall For Cotton A Sewing Challenge LIghtfields Blouse pattern
I love the way the stripes change direction across the yoke (and line up) and I love the way the black collar and cuffs picks out the black in the pattern! The original looks like a chiffon/crepe, but I am sure cotton will work just as well!
Fall For Cotton A Sewing Challenge LIghtfields Blouse pattern

Isn't It cute!!! I have decided to use my tried and tested 'Dream Pattern' which will need a few tweaks to make it just right (lengthening the yokes and adding cuffs to the sleeves) but I think I am up to the job and it should look great when done!

I really wanted to find the perfect fabric for this blouse and thought it would be easy, it wasn't. I searched through every version of cotton striped fabric available online, and there were some lovely designs, but most of the best ones had only fat quarters left and at about £4 each plus postage!

Fall For Cotton A Sewing Challenge LIghtfields Blouse pattern

Eventually, I stumbled upon some gorgeous 1930s fabric from Blue Zinnia Vintage on Etsy (she has some really beautiful fabrics) which I think will be just perfect. It's the most I have ever spent on fabric (the luxury of having lived in Walthamstow all my life, I guess) I actually felt my usual queasiness, at parting with my cash, but once I realised that it would actually work out cheaper than some of the modern quilting cotton I'd been pondering, it set my mind at rest. I just hope I can do this beautiful vintage fabric justice! I still need to get some black cotton for the collars and cuffs, a trip down to Walthamstow market this weekend is in order, I think!

The second are these, high waisted bottle green velvet or corduroy trousers! 

Fall For Cotton A Sewing Challenge LIghtfields 1940's Slacks/trousers/pants pattern
Admittedly this is not the greatest view of them, but you can get the idea! I am still undecided as to whether they are made from velvet or corduroy, as you never really get a good enough look at them.
Fall For Cotton A Sewing Challenge LIghtfields 1940's Slacks/trousers/pants pattern

They are so Autumnal and make me wish I still worked as a groom, I would love to stomp about the stable yard in these! My idea is to use three patterns (fingers crossed) Gertie's Capri Pants - for the pockets, Simplicity 4044 - for the front pleat and tried and tested Simplicity 3688 - for the waist band.

Fall For Cotton A Sewing Challenge LIghtfields 1940's Slacks/trousers/pants pattern
Ambitious? Definitely. Doable? Hopefully!
I have chosen some bottle green corduroy from a seller on Bay and as soon as it arrives I will start figuring out my pattern!

The last garment has nothing to do with Lightfields but is a well overdue stash buster.

Fall For Cotton A Sewing Challenge Butterick 5880

I want to make a version of Butterick 5880 in some cotton from my stash I have this beautiful 50's brushed cotton bedspread, which I got for £2 in a charity shop last year on the Isle of wight, which I think will be perfect! This is kind of my back up pattern if the above two give me trouble, I know I will still have something to fall back on and rather helpfully this pattern comes with a video tutorial, which should mean I have no excuses for getting stuck!

So there you have my ambitious sewing plans for the coming month, along with making some chutneys and jams from my ever growing allotment bounty, plus having just started knitting a Jan Sweater I'm pretty sure I'll be kept nice and busy for the whole of September!

Wendy x


  1. Ooh these all look lovely, it's great when you find pretty fabric in charity shops! I've never heard of this show, off to look it up! :)

  2. Crikey - you're going to be very busy! Lovely fabric and pattern choices - that 1930s one is gorgeous.

  3. Ooo I can't wait to see you start that blouse!! I might have to look this show up!
    I think the trousers are a very small whaled corduroy. And, I haven't seen Simplicity 4044, I shall have to search for it! =D

  4. Can't wait to see the finished results!
    I wanted to join in the fall for cotton sewalong but I didn't have a vintage pattern within the 20's - 70's range and I only had heavy cotton in my stash so decided I would give it a miss :(

    I am thinking of doing the Hetty knit-a-long over at Untangling Knots, I'm not sure my knitting is up to this level but what better way to improve than jumping in at the deep end?!

  5. Oo exciting! Great choices! I loved all the outfits in Lightfields too and your blouse fabric choice is going to look fab. Good luck and look forward in seeing the end results!

  6. Can't wait to see your creation! I adore that fabric and there is something so 1940's about a stripe blouse where the stripe direction is mixed.
    Happy sewing x
