Sunday, 28 July 2013

A Grand Day Out - Havenstreet Railway 1940s Weekend

A few weeks ago now (goodness how time flies) I went down to visit my parents on the Isle of Wight. It's not often that we are all able to get together, only at Christmas really so it was rather nice, especially as for once it managed to coincide with the beginning of some lovely weather! I have taken far more photos than is healthy, so rather than bore you all with them here's a quick collage.

The Butterfly Balcony - My Isle Of Wight Holiday 2013
As you can see my time was mainly spent wandering in my parents beautiful garden, taking long country walks and eating alfresco, it was bliss!

The main reason that we had chosen to get together was to attend the annual Isle of Wight Steam Railway's 1940s weekend. I've wanted to go for years, but due to other commitments I've never been able to be down on the island at the right time. This year everything worked out wonderfully and rather sweetly my parents and brother decided to join in on the dressing up too! My Dad had his Christmas pullover to wear and both Mum and I sported 80s does 40s dresses I had found on eBay a few weeks earlier.
Haven Street Railways 1940's weekend 2013 Group Photo

Before we left I ensured we got a proper family photo to mark the occasion, my brother I think had last minute nerves about dressing up (we've all been there) so chose just to wear his Wartime Farm pullover, which I had literally just finished 10 minutes before this photo was taken (more on that tomorrow). As you can't see it in the above photo here is a close up of the lovely new brooch I bought recently, from the lovely Jo of Mrs B's Brooches.

Beautiful Blue and Purple 1940's brooch From Mrs B's Brooches
I was thrilled that I got the chance to properly show off the fabulous 1940s inspired brooch and I think it went perfectly with my dress.
Havenstreet Railway 1940's weekend 2013  Keep Calm and Carry on
Havenstreet Railways 1940's weekend 2013  Waiting to get in
On arriving at the station, we could tell it was going to be a fun day as the station looked wonderful decked out in its 40s regalia and there was an impressive turnout of people all ready to have a good day!
Havenstreet Railway 1940's weekend 2013 Identity card
We were all issued with an identity card which we had to fill out before entering the station, which I thought was a nice touch!
Havenstreet Railway 1940's weekend 2013 Schedule
First off we checked the schedule, to ensure we didn't miss anything!
 Havenstreet Railway 1940's weekend 2013  Mum perusing the salls
First stop was the was the events field where there were lots of vintage stalls...
Havenstreet Railways 1940's weekend 2013 Spitfire
...a Spitfire...
Havenstreet Railway 1940's weekend 2013  Seaview Services pd2 bus
and lots of vintage vehicles, including a Seaview Services PD2 bus that naturally I just had to pose in front of *cough* blame the day job :-)
Havenstreet Railways 1940's weekend 2013  Loco
It was then time to escape the heat for a bit and take a ride on one of the two steam trains running that day.
Havenstreet Railway 1940's weekend 2013 Dad and James
Havenstreet Railway 1940's weekend 2013 Mum and me
As lovely as it was to have some glorious weather, dressed as we were in our 80's polyester and acrylic fair isle woollens, the heat had become a little overwhelming, so we had a blissfully cool hour travelling up and down the line.
Havenstreet Railway 1940's weekend 2013 Corned Beef Hash
It was then time for lunch, so we stopped off at the refreshment rooms and dined on some Corned Beef Hash and chips, which was rather good, if very filling. We even had Viv The Spiv offering to sell us some more wooden cutlery while we ate wich was fun!
Havenstreet Railway 1940's weekend 2013 The three Bells
After lunch, we had another wander and caught 'The Three Belles' singing one of their many sets of the day and I have to say they were really rather wonderful, so much so I bought their CD as soon as I got home, which is also wonderful!
Havenstreet Railway 1940's weekend 2013 Cinque Port Lindy Hoppers
After a quick sit in the shade and a much needed ice cream, it was time to head home, not before we caught a few minutes of the 'Cinque Port Lindy Hoppers', who I really did feel for, it must have been exhausting to dance and jive in such heat, but they did an admirable job.
I think it's safe to say we all had a great time, and we've even discussed going again next year! I think the highlight of the whole day for me, had to be entering into the Isle of Wight Girl Guides raffle and winning a...

Havenstreet Railways 1940's weekend 2013  Me and my Butter beans
A can of Butter Beans!

Wendy x


  1. What lovely photos! Thanks sooo much for the brooch mention! Glad you're pleased with it! :-) That event looks very similar to the Severn Valley Railway 40s weekend near here, and the Three Belles played at that too! Sadly I couldn't make it this year, so will have to check out their album and see what I missed!

    1. Oh your more than welcome, its lovely! Its certainly worth a listen! xx

  2. What a wonderful family day out....and to travel back to the 1940s too! I must say you looked so pretty with your hair set in pin-curls my dear....and that brooch is so sweet! Lovely photos....and so so sunny...almost like we are finally having a summer after years of spring. Hope you've had a good weekend and a brilliant week to follow!
    May xx

  3. That's the sort of day-out that I like: sunny weather, steam and vintageness! You all looked great, especially those dapper chaps in their fair isles. They were suffering the heat to show off your knitting skills - and rightfully so!

  4. you lucky devil...butter beans!!!!!!(mmmm ..not!!! I hated these as a child...and still do)
    Strangely enough 1940's weekend in Leyburn this weekend Tis the season!!

    1. I know I am a toatal winne :) thankfuly I actually don't mind them now, though as a child I haaaaated them! xx

  5. You all look so lovely! Seems like a wonderful day out! xxx

  6. Your day out looks like it was wonderful fun! I haven't seen Viv in years, he was always good fun! Despite living relatively close to the IOW, I have never been to that event xxx

    1. Thank you Melanie it really was, Viv was certainly on good form my Dad in particular thought he was hilarious. Its certainly worth a visit if you get the chance! xxx

  7. I love the last picture - have you opened the tin yet? Looks like a great day out.

    1. Thank you Nicole, Yes the beans have been opened and eaten, bunged them in to a risotto, was rather nice if far too warm a dish to be eating in the heat wave! xx

  8. You all look fantastic, I love how alike you all are! An excellent raffle win too - I went through a phase a few years ago of winning lots of alcohol, shame I seem to have lost my lucky streak... :)

  9. You all look wonderful in your '40s attire and it certainly looks like a great event. I agree with you about the Three Belles. We heard them at Wimpole last year and they can really sing! Glad you all had a fabulous day xx
