Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Things to Make & Do - UFO's & Stash Busting

Hello, my lovelies!  A rubbish blogger that I am, I thought it was about time I popped by and showed you the bit of UFO & Stash Busting I have been doing in June & July.

To be honest there has not been that much, two projects to be precise. Most of what I have made has been for others (I know I am selfless), and shockingly I've even started knitting for Christmas, which is wholly unlike me! So a separate post will surely follow with all those goodies...but for now back to the busting

Candy Cane Beach Bra
(UFO & Stash Buster)

I bought this pattern early last year as I wanted to make it up for my summer hols but I never got around to doing more than cutting it out from the fabric, I am lazy!

Created By: Mrs Depew Vintage


  • Approx. 0.5 yard Cotton Outer
  • Approx. 0.5 yard Cotton Lining
  •  2 Buttons

There is not really much to say about this pattern as it was very simple and straightforward to make up, just 6 pieces (including the lining) so I really can't think why I took so long to finish it!

I absolutely love the 50's pointed collar on this top
Both the outer & lining (plain white cotton) fabrics were from Walthamstow market at £1 a meter and have been sitting in my stash for a few years, I found the candy stripe quite a little irritating to work with as it refused to match up (see the front seam) but that probably has more to do with me than the fabric!

I used two massive buttons on the back to make it a bit easier to open/close without asking for assistance and to ensure it doesn't suddenly ping open in public. I think I will have to have a go at making up a matching pair of shorts then all I'll need is some sunshine and a sandy beach!

Crewel Love
(UFO & Stash Buster)

I started this embroidery shortly after I finished my crewel embroidery kit back in February I had gone crazy pinning embroidery pictures and was keen to get stuck into something a bit more difficult.

My inspiration came from this 70s 'God Bless Our Pad' I loved it so much I knew I had to try my own take on it.

Source: racheldenbow.blogspot.com via Wendy on Pinterest

Not being the most religious of souls, I felt it would be more appropriate to have a different phrase and eventually I settled on The Beatles lyric 'Love is All You Need' which I think is in keeping with the flower power theme.

Pattern Here: Love is All You Need

Know How:  Split Stitch
                      Padded Satin Stitch
                      French Knot

  • 20" x 16" Frame without glass
  • 24" x 20" woven fabric 
  • Odds and ends of yarn
  • Embroidery Hoop or Frame

I've had the frame for years, I saved it from the bin (classy) back when I worked in a photo lab, the glass was missing so it could no longer be sold, but I knew that it would come in handy for something and at last it has.

The backing fabric was taken from a pair of Next curtains a college at work kindly gave to me as they were redecorating and though I could use them, unfortunately, they didn't fit any of our windows, so after much deliberating I decided to re-purpose them as they were the perfect colour and weave for a bit of embroidering.

I first outlined each letter in split stitch, then I used a huge Padded Satin Stitch to fill them in.

I traced my text onto the fabric using a pencil, which I soon learned was a mistake. The white wool was gradually turning grey as I stitched over the outlines, eeek!  Fortunately, I can report after washing it has pretty much gone, phew! Next time I will be using a water soluble pen much less stressful!

Making the most of stitching in the sunshine.
I bought myself a cheap tapestry frame from Hobbycraft as the hoop was just not big enough.
 I improvised the flowers as my embroidery skills are still rather limited I stuck to what I knew  (3 stitches) and kept it simple, but no less effective I think! If I were to make another I would definitely mark out the flowers beforehand as I did struggle to fill some gaps and not have too many of the same colour too close together.

I actually finished the last few flowers whilst watching the amazing Olympic opening ceremony, in between bouts of lump in the throat sobbing that is - what the heck! I had no idea I felt so patriotic - the boyfriend though I was having a breakdown - all I can say is thank goodness for Rowan Atkinson irreverent silliness, making me laugh myself out of it!

It needs a bit of a gentle press to reduce some of the creases caused by washing, and I may add a few more flowers at a later date. But all in all, I think it looks great and well worth the many, many hours it has taken to finish, as I really enjoyed each and everyone, especially those sat in the sunshine!

Oh, and as it's Tuesday I am going to link up to Lakota's Ta-da! Tuesday!!

Wendy x


  1. That beach bra is the cutest ever!! I've been dreaming of one of those with matching shorts and circle skirt for the longest time! and the sampler is lovely! youre very talented! x

    1. Thank you so much Hollie :) Oh I know I have had the same dream after seeing Fluer sporting something similar a few years back, It would be just perfect for Summer if it ever arrives! (typical British grumble:)) xx

  2. Your crewel work looks just lovely! I've never tried that but I have had a go at cross stitch, I even started an art nouveau style sampler but then made a big mistake on a peacock and lost heart.

    I love that little beach top too

    1. Thank you Melanie!
      Oh I am hopeless at cross stitch, all the counting squares scares me, mix that with a lack of patience for anything intricate and I get in a frustrated tangle after just a few minutes :) xx

  3. Love the embroidery! It's one area of needlework I don't have much experience in, but your project makes me want to have a go.

    1. Thank you Nicole!
      I must confess I have totally surprised myself with embroidery, I honestly have the patience of a gnat so to have finished something so time consuming is a miracle!

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you! Its definitely something I could see you sporting!

  5. You have been busy! Love both the top and the embroidery.

  6. Oh the top is amazing and the embroidery is adorable, excellent skills my dear xx

  7. You are so clever! I love that red top to bits and that's the funkiest embroidery I've ever seen! x

  8. Wow! I really love everything. The bustier is amazing, you have to model it! I really love the embroidery, many a useful thing has been saved from a bin! It really looks lovely, you've got such a talent for sewing! The opening ceremony was really emotional, I was fully prepared to be indifferent, everyone seems to have been either blubbing or trying not to, so not just me!

    1. Thank You my dear! I was going to model the top, but I got stage fight last minute, I will try harder:)
      Oh that blooming opening ceremony, your definitely not alone! I honestly set about watching it with the intention of being super snarky, but within a few minutes was completely lost in wonderment and very defensive about it when the boyfriend - who was not really watching it but watching it - made sarcastic little jibes, and even he was won around in the end! xx

  9. Oh they're both amazing! I love the vintage style of the top and the embroidery is just fantastic. You should link them up with my ta-dah Tuesday - well worth showing off.

  10. That top is to die for. It makes me want to take up sewing more seriously! With the summer heat here in the States, it would be a dream to wear that out & about! x

    1. Thank you Rachel! I promise it is super easy pattern to make and I am sure you would look amazing in it! x

  11. Wow! What fantastic projects, both of them are brilliant.
    Well done with the crewel embroidery (and nice sentiment) you obviously have a talent for it.

  12. Oh man that embroidery is beautiful! And I don't usually care about needlework... Yay on the Christmas knitting, I actually started buying some crafty stuff for pressies, I'll likely still be faffing about last minute tho ;)

    1. Thank you Elise:) Oh I'm sure I will still be panicking last minute too, it just wouldn't be Christmas if I weren't:) xx

  13. Wendy, your beach bra came out amazing and I'm just crazy about your use of stripes! So striking! And thanks so much for mentioning my pattern, you're too sweet. :)

    1. Thank you Anna it means a lot that you like it:) And your welcome its a great little pattern! xx

  14. Oh my, these are absolutely amazing! I love them both :)

    The top looks fab, I didn't even notice the lines not matching up until you pointed it out (as said to me, don't say, and then no one will notice!) you should feel very proud of this, cannot wait to see the matching shorts in an outfit post soon please!

    And the embroidery is fabulous, is this your very first attempt after using the kit then? I would have thought you'd had more attempts first, the flowers look brilliant. Would love to see the next project, and maybe a little how-to on the basic stitches you used, this looks like so much fun, even if it is time consuming.


    1. Thank you Emma!!
      Yeah I'll have to work up the courage to do an outfit post once Ive made the shorts!
      The embroidery was really easy, (otherwise I would never have finished it:P) I was going to make some thank you cards with similar flowers so Ill try and do a little tutorial then, thank you for the suggestion:) xx

  15. Oh! I love your love is all you need picture! so pretty!

  16. You are putting my hidden UFOs to shame as they lurk in their plastic bags out of sight! Am seriously loving that beach bra, especially those large buttons on the back; they really give it a quirky twist (always good in my book). And how about that Partridge Family-esgue picture? Sooo cool and I love your version too (agree about changing the words though). xxx

  17. that embroidery is great - the white really pops against the background, its' v lovely.

  18. I LOVE the beach top!

    So cute!

    By the way, I've moved my blog to www.porcelinasworld.blogspot.com - do pay a visit!

    Miss P xx

    1. Hi Wendy,
      Thank you for your lovely comment on my Tesco dress!!

      I don't see the 'follow' button on your site or lots of others anymore - apparently it's been removed. To follow a blog now there are two choices:
      1) click 'join' if the blog has a 'Followers' gadget in their sidebar.
      2) copy the url and manually paste that into the 'add' bit in your reading list.

      It's massively annoying, there are huge debates about it on all the forums!!

      I also have a problem with comments on some people's pages at the moment - I could only comment on this one by hitting 'reply' to a comment already here, it doesn't show me a box for a new comment! So many glitches!!

      Miss Pxx

  19. I adore yur picture. It reminds me of all the embroidary/tapestry I used to do before I picked up a sewing machine. I wonder if I can find them.

    1. Thank you! Oh you should definitely do a post on them if you do find them I would live to see them! xx

  20. Beautifully done sweety! I have been an admirer of embroidery for some time, especially when it it done on dresses, and it is one skill I would like to learn one day! I know what you mean about cross stitch though...I tried it when I was younger and just ended up with a few rows before giving up! Did you start learning embroidery through a book or website or were instructions included in the kit? Can't wait to see the next piece of embroidery you will do! Have a fabulous rest of the week my lovely!
    May xx

    1. Oh thank you May! I must say I wish I could create some thing as beautiful as on your Qi Pao dress, its soo stunning! xx
