Friday, 15 June 2012

The Vintage Pattern Files


I think it is about time I told you all about a little blog which I have been working on over the last few months...

As the title suggests this is my attempt to create an on-line link library of free vintage knitting, crochet, and sewing patterns. The idea being, it will make it easier for you and me to find the perfect vintage pattern by having them all (I can dream) listed in one place. 

It is obviously going to be an ongoing project, as there will always be new patterns somewhere on the web to be added to the collection, but hopefully, it will be a useful tool for those of you who love vintage patterns and free stuff as much as I do!

If you have any links you would like to add or suggestions on how to make it more user-friendly I would love to hear from you, I will always ensure that you are credited :)

Wendy x


  1. Ooooh! Thank you, I love Vintage Knitting and Crochet patterns especially lace edgings
    Julie xxxxxxx

    1. Hi Julie Glad you like it! I shall definitely keep an eye out for some vintage edgings just for you x

  2. Wendy this is amazing! What a brilliant thing to think of, thanks so much :) I can't wait to check it out!

  3. Glad you're doing this Wendy, I used to have a page on my blog with free patterns whcih was quite popular but I never updated it so removed it in the end. Now I can just look at your blog instead!
    Here's a link to my page, which is still active but not linked to my blog, feel free to add any of the links to your page, if they would be useful for you:

    1. Wow thank you I have already put your link to good use:) x

  4. Purple Kitty Yarns ( has a huge amount of free and free vintage patterns listed. Sounds like a huge but brilliant task, good luck! :)

  5. What a great idea! As if I don't have enough patterns already...

  6. I do have some rather special 1940s knitting patterns I could add though you'd have to give me instructions on how to go about it

    1. Sounds great, I have a little think on the best way to go about it :)

  7. wonderful! I am in the trows of teaching myself to crochet.

    1. Thank you and good luck with the crochet,Im sure youll be fabulous at it considering how quickly you picked up Knitting:) x

  8. Thanks in advance for this! Sounds brilliant.

  9. Really cool! I feel that my list of planed projects is going to grow :D

    Liebe Grüße!

  10. Hi Wendy, I have blogged about your new site on my blog, I'm just so excited about it :) Hope that's ok you! Katie x

  11. Sounds like a brilliant project! I can imagine it will become a great resource for those who love knitting! Wish I could be patient enough to learn how to mum knitted a cardigan for my cat and a crochet collar for my sister! It's absolutely brilliant! Thank you so much for the lovely Birthday wishes and sorry for the very late reply. Have a fabulous week my darling!
    May xx

    1. Thank you My Dear! Now a your cat in a cardi is something I would love to see, thought it could possibly be too cute for words! :) xx

  12. Oh wow what an amazing idea Wendy!!! Sometimes I wish I had 10 pairs of hands to knit and sew with, then i would be able to make everything i want to!!!
    Jess x

    1. Thank You Jess:) I know I feel exactly the same way, my crafting to-do list is long enough to keep me busy fro the next 20 years at least :)
