Friday, 22 June 2012

Even More Random Facts About Me

A week or two ago now the wonderful Emma from Lady Jardin - Vintage Views Of The South Coast, was kind enough to honour me with a lovely blog award, true to form it has taken me ages to get around to posting about it so a big Thank you & a sorry to Emma is required.

Before I comply with the rules I must tell you to make a beeline to Emma's blog she has some utterly beautiful outfit posts & is a super quick and talented crocheter too, I am very envious of her skills and would happily steal her latest crochet bolero it is just wonderful!

So the rules are to list 7 facts about moi! I am so dull this is becoming a real struggle!

1. I love Salt & Vinegar crisps, even more than I love chocolate and that's a lot!

2. Whenever I have to stand up on a bus (which is every day) I imagine I'm on a surfboard as the bus bounces around the bends, I try and I have managed (so far) to restrain myself from waving my arms in balancing fashion and singing 'wipeout'!

3. I have for the past 3 years cut my own hair. For my fringe/bangs see this post and the rest of the mop is layered by using this lady's tutorial - though I don't put it in a hair band in I just comb very wet very conditioner'ed hair it into place and then cut a straight line across. So far so good.

4. I don't like silence! I have Tinnitus, which was caused by traveling on a very loud rattlingy tube train and listening to very loud music to cover the noise, doing this nearly every day for 5 years has left me with constant whistling in my ears!  I only have a mild case, it could be much worse, but it does mean that I have come to hate silence, as I can't help but focus on the whistling, so I like to have the radio or some other noise provider on to block it out, which means my home can be quite a noisy place!  Look after your hearing people!!

5. I have a random phobia of foam, the yellow/orange solid spongy stuff they filled old sofas with. I can not stand to see people touching it, it actually makes me feel sick, I have no idea why I just know I have had this potty repulsion since I was a child. Crazy right!

6. At School I learned Urdu for 3 years which means I can say, Hello (assalamualaikum), Thank you (shukriya) and count to up to ten...3 years well spent then :)

Rocking a crochet collar from and early age.
7. As I can not think of anything else I'll give you this embarrassing picture of me and my little Brother- you can just see my Mum sitting there poised to stop my brother from legging it as he hated having his photo taken!

Now on to the difficult bit, choosing who to pass it on to. All the blogs I follow are really fabulous and I would heartily recommend you check them all out!

But I must choose a few current, this time, it goes to:

All are fabulous blogs and certainly worth adding to your feed reader! Have a great Friday!!

Wendy x


  1. Great facts! I love Salt & Vinegar crisps, too! How fab to speak Urdu or at least a few words. That would impress the guys in my local Pakistani balti house no end. x

    1. Thank You Vix! I do wish I had payed more attention in class, I was the only one not to speak punjabi at home so all the other girls excelled in Urdu and left me struggling to read the childrens books, still I thoroughly enjoyed having a go:)

  2. Thank you so so much my lovely! You are such a sweetheart!! And I totally adore your blog!! It's amazing how you can cut your own hair!! That's a brilliant skill to have and ever so useful. Sorry to hear about your ear condition must be difficult to hear ringing so often. And i must say I find you totally fascinating!! Also what a lovely surprise to have as today is BouBou's First thank you for making our day extra special!
    May xx

    1. Your soo very welcome my Dear!! I know cutting my own hair is risky but its got soo long now (no where near yours though:))so I can't go too far wrong, thankfuly:) My ear probelm is my own fault for loving loud music, so I can't really complain and you get used to it after a while :) I do Hope BouBou has a wonderful day xx

  3. love the photo! well done. xx

  4. Yay, thanks for the tag! I'll have to put my thinking cap on now, such a struggle to think of interestig things about yourself. Love that photo of you and your brother. You look like a cooler, cuter version of Verruca Salt! xxx

    1. Your welcome:) Hehe thank you :) I can totally see what you mean, though I prommise I've never Screamed "I want an Oompa Loompa now"....well not often :) xx

  5. Thank you! I'll have to stalk all those other blogs! I liked your facts, you look a bit like you desperately didn't want to be in that photograph but you're putting up with it anyway. I have a foam thing, it makes me squeamish!

    1. Your welcome:) You could'nt be more right, that has been my relationship with cameras from day one, I'd rather behind the lense! You know the more I look at that photo the more evil my expression seems to become...worrying:) x

  6. Hey, thank you so much for the nomination :-) All the other blogs have so interesting titles, I think it´s time to visit them all now :-)

  7. Thank you! Super appreciated! Jx

  8. Thank you very much. I was really happy to have this passed over to me. This is turning into such a fab week. Off to check out all the other blogs. x
