Friday, 20 April 2012

The Story of Keep Calm and Carry on

 I hope you all had a wonderful Easters! (I realise it was a while ago) I do love Easter it has to be my favourite holiday, with it being at the beginning of spring and with the promise of a warm sunny summer (fingers crossed) and it's also a time where eating chocolate is actively encouraged without the usual diet related guilt!

Rather than chocolate for Easter my Parents sent me a lovely parcel full of veg and flower seeds a book on gardening (much needed) and also two tea towels which carry the ever popular 'Keep Calm' logo this time reincarnated into Keep Calm and Be a Domestic Goddess (fat chance I'm far too lazy). As I mentioned in my dinner party post lots of us own a copy of this sign in one of its various forms. It seems that the nation has taken this little posters nostalgic motto to heart, though it is easy to see why it's a statement that embodies the quintessentially British 'stiff upper lip' of yesteryear and the clear-headed resolve that tells us everything will be OK if we just keep going.

 Puppy Love Princess posted a link to the film below a few weeks ago. So rather than me waffling on at you about the history of this poster, I thought I would repost it, as it tells the story much more eloquently than I ever could.

Also recently while watching some recorded episode of  the BBC's Antiques Roadshow, (yes I watch it and yes I've series linked it) Moragh Turnbull from Fife, Scotland, brought in for the experts appraisal a stash of 17 original Keep Calm posters that had been given to her by her father who was a member of the Royal Observer Corps during the war. These posters are thought to be the only remaining stock of the original full-size poster which are thought to be worth about £1000 each!  

Wendy x 


  1. That was very interesting. I am going to show it to my husband later too!
    Julie xxxxx

  2. There is something utterly philosophical about the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' motto that I absolutely love! Great video discovery! :)
    May x
