After falling in love with the BBC's South Riding, costume department a few posts ago now, I thought it was about time I shared with you some of the modern patterns which I found that I think would create the fabulous 30's South Riding look.
The benefit of using modern patterns is they can be a fraction of the cost of a vintage pattern from eBay or Etsy and they all are multi-sized so no head scratching re-sizing!
So here some of the best...
Adding a little height to the sleeve pattern would give a perfect puffed sleeve.
This could also easily double as a waistcoat pattern
Essentially for the Miss Burton style a high waisted, long ankle length, pencil skirt ...
And if your feeling a little more adventurous and are prepared to do a little re-sizing, on some beautiful vintage repro patterns then, these from Eva Dress are just fantabulous! I want them all !!!
Wendy x
You've done a great job tracking down those patterns. I wouldn't have given that Simplicity 4221 a second look, but you're right that it could so easily be made into that beautiful blouse, with a bit of imagination.
ReplyDeleteYou've put so much effort into this, great idea for a post and well done on your pattern sleuthing! I've had the fashion from South Riding on my mind for a while and keep hoping to find similar blouses in charity shops or on the high street, as I am far too challenged in the sewing department to attempt something from a pattern yet!!
ReplyDeleteMiss P xx