Thursday, 10 July 2014

Pattern Pyramid Giveaway

Well Hello! Today's post comes to you from my parents house on the rather sunny Isle Of Wight and is brought to you by a lackluster 3G connection on my phone so please forgive me if this is a bit more disjointed than normal, but I didn't want to wait till I got back home to post this and as my parents are not yet silver surfers, ie no internet (though I am working on it) I am having to make do!

An-y-way, back to the point of today's post and boy it is a good one! By some supreme stroke of luck, my little blog has managed to be the next stop for the Pattern Pyramid (I'm calling it PP for short)!

Not heard of the pattern pyramid? Then let me enlighten you! It was first started by Karen from Did You Make That, a Walthamstow based blogger whom shockingly I have only just discovered! She had been kindly given a gift of some vintage sewing patterns which she decided rather than keep all herself she would send them out into the blog-o-sphere, to be shared and passed on until the pot ran dry. This section of the PP has been globe-trotting now for just over two years, making them exceedingly well traveled!

I won the PP after recently stumbling across the gorgeous Sian's blog Kittenish Behavior, Sian is a lass who coincidentally now lives right here on the Isle Of Wight (lucky thing) where she designs her own range beautiful vintage dresses, yum! and is she a massive sci-fi fan! Love her already!

So how does the Pyramid work? Well, each lucky winner gets to choose a pattern or two from the stash before hosting a giveaway to pass the remainder on! Now over the course of its journey so far many of the winners have chosen to add a few patterns into the mix to keep the PP going for just a bit longer, which means currently the PP Stash is bursting at the seams with lovely patterns, I forgot to count them before I came away, but I would say I have probably only shown about half of those in the mix here, so there are loads to choose from!

I've decided to do something just a little different for my leg of its journey, I know can't stick to the rules me! I have chosen two patterns from the stash to keep (which I will show you very soon, just finishing off making them up) and rather than adding more patterns to the existing pile, I will host another little giveaway once the Pyramid has been drawn, with some lovely patterns from my stash (I've already sorted out about five, there may be more). This way it will give those of you who don't have a blog the chance to win something too and also will spare the PP stash from shortly needing a shipping crate to continue it on its journey around the globe!

Ok, before I tell you what you need to do to win, I'm going to tempt you a little more with some of my favourites, that I didn't pick so they are still very much up for grabs!!

Perfect for summer is this style Pattern No.2697 for an early eighties dress and jacket, simple and yet elegant, unlike much of what was around back then!

I just love this 1960's McCall's Pattern No.9715 for a quirky little mini dress with gathered bodice and some amazing bishops sleeves!

And then there is this New look pattern No.6000 is fabulously 60s in style, yet comes in multiple sizes so saves any fiddly re-sizing!

I think you'll agree there is plenty of lovely patterns here to choose from, the winner will certainly find it difficult to decide which ones to keep!

So here is what you need to do!
1. Leave a 'count me in' type comment on this post, it doesn't have to be anything fancy, but a link to your blog would be helpful if your Google profile is not already linked up to it!

2. You MUST have a blog to take part as you will need to host a pattern pyramid giveaway once you have won. Obviously, you must also be prepared to pay the postage to pass the parcel on to the next winner!

The deadline for entering your comment below is at the end of the day on 31st of July 2014.
I will happily post worldwide so everyone eligible (who has a blog) can enter!
The winner will be picked at random on the 1st of August 2014 and I will publish the result here on the same day, so keep your eyes peeled!

Good Luck!!
Wendy x


  1. Oh pick me!

  2. This sounds like a great idea! I'm in!


  3. Hey Wendy :)
    Isn't the weather beautiful here at the moment! I love your idea for the PP :) I can't wait to see which patterns you kept for yourself.
    Sian :)

  4. I love this concept, count me in!

  5. What an awesome project! I'd love to participate. Http://

  6. I'm so in! Check out my recent vintage pattern haul at

  7. Wow how awesome that it is still going! Count me in!

  8. count me in!i can pay the delivery fees on Paypal.

  9. Count me in!

  10. Count me in please I would love the 2697 STYLE Pattern. Such an awesome collection for anyone to own , Thanks for competition

  11. Hi my email is Awesome again
