Thursday, 23 May 2013

Time Warp Wives

I first saw 'Time Warp Wives', by chance back in 2008. I had taken a day off as I was feeling poorly and spent it lounging in bed watching mindless TV, bored with what I was watching, I turned over to Channel 4 (probably hoping for Come Dine With Me) just as this show was starting, and I was mesmerized.

It's a short documentary, which follows four women who've all chosen to turn their backs on the modern day and embrace wholeheartedly their love of the past by immersing themselves in their chosen eras. Joanne the 50s housewife (more famously known as singer Lola Lamour) and her friend Diane who is also a 40s/50s housewife, Debbie a 1930s housewife and Sammi, the immaculately coiffed 40s lover. Their homes are amazing and their clothes are immaculate (I've Pinned Lola Lamour's wardrobe to death!) and their conviction and dedication to the past has to be admired.
Time Warp Wives Documentary 1930s 1940s 1950's
Left to right:  Joanne Massey [source] / Daine Rowlands [source]
Debbie Cleulow [sourceSammi Sadler [source]
It sounds daft, but watching it back then, was a 'light bulb' moment, it dawned on me that I was not alone in my love of the past. I realised there were other people out there who felt the same way as I did and were brave enough to show the world every day just how much they loved their chosen era. It pushed me that step further forward in gaining the confidence to dress how I truly wanted to and helped me battle the 'confidence crises' I used to have (still, do, occasionally) a short while after leaving the house!

So I was delighted today when I  finally found it was back on YouTube so that I could share it with you all! Watch it while you can as it may not be around for long.

Oh and keep your eyes peeled for a fleeting glimpse of the gorgeous Ticktey Boo Tupney about 22.17!

Wendy x


  1. I LOVED this episode when I saw it. I spent the entire time glued to the screen looking at all the lovely interiors. How brilliant that it's on Youtube; I know what I shall be watching this evening!!
    The lady in the blue is really lovely. I met her last year at Ramsey, and again at North Norfolk, and she bought the blue, 1940s design, dress that I had made. I have to admit, I was a little star struck; sad, but true! :-) x

    1. She does look lovely and her wardrobe, well I would happily steal all of it! How wonderful that was a gorgeous dress, Hehe, I would have been exactly the same! :) xx

  2. I've seen this too, when it was on 4OD, I thought it was brilliant!
    It was really inspirational seeing the effort the ladies went to, their homes are living museums - so amazing!

  3. When I saw this on youtube, I thought this is a roundup of an complete season. They should do an episode for every decade!
    I love the microwave oven moment :-)

    1. That would be brilliant! yes hiding your microwave from yourself is dedication!:) xx

  4. This was great, thanks for sharing! I immediately noticed how 'British' this was, ie. they made it a nice little documentary... where as if it was made here in the US, there would be a lot of made up drama edited into it. I was also struck by the difference between my 'vintage life' and these lives of some of these women. Yeah, vintage is a huuuuge part of my life, but when it comes down to it, I really am a modern gal. 2013 mind, with a 1939 facade. There's no way I'd want to *live* back in the day... now *shopping*... ummm, all of it please.

    Debbie was definitely my favorite. I about had a stroke when they showed her closet. Ahhhh, the envy! And the hidden microwave was too stinkin cute. But really... it would've been so out of place in that gorgeous kitchen!

    xo Sara

    1. Your welcome :) I agree I admire totally their dedication, but I am more than happy to be living right now, with all the freedom and technology that we have, and I certainly think I would struggle without my trashy soap operas! xx

  5. Saw it on youtube some time ago and thought it was brilliant! Utterly amazed at how the ladies managed to look so pristine in their vintage looks every how do they do it! And their homes look so perfect too! Though I didn't like how the narrator described it as escapism, as I think it is more a lifestyle choice. But I must admit I like modern amenities or inventions that have improved life. Hope you have been well my lovely....have a fabulous bank holiday weekend!
    May xx

    1. I agree the narrator was a bit condescending at times, but like you however much I dream of having the perfect vintage home, I know deep down that I would be lost with out all the modern day technology! xx

  6. Thank you for this link - lovely! (Incidentally, just so you know, "quaffed" should be "coiffed"; they sound the same but mean different things.)

    1. Your welcome :) Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it, my spelling really is the worst, hehe drinkable 40's hair now that would be something! :)xx

  7. Thank you so much for sharing this! Aside from the obvious vintage lifestyle loveliness, I'm so happy to hear there are other people in the world who don't see children in their future and don't think that's a strange thing!

    1. Your more than welcome :) I know exactly what you mean, I am not ruling it out totally, but its just I have never really seen the children thing happening for me! I adore my friends children and we have great fun together, but I also love giving them back at the end of the day ;) xx

  8. Thank you for posting this video, it is amazing! I too was glued to the episode. I would watch something like this everyday!

    1. Your more than welcome!! I think I have probably seen it about 20 times now and will most likely watch it again very soon! :) xx

  9. Oh goodness, I was hoping no one would ever recognise me from this! I really didn’t want to be there (so obvious!), but I was made to do it by the crew when I arrived at the station- it was a lovely day out up to then! Ah well, at the time the program was a good thing to watch as I could see I wasn’t the only one interested in living a vintage lifestyle. I don’t know Sammi, but the other ladies are a grand bunch… oh and they have the most enviable wardrobes in the world!!!
    T x

  10. It's so wonderful to see that other's had that same feeling I did when I first saw this. I've always dressed in the styles of different eras even when I was little and totally into the sixties! Although I know that some of those involved were not terribly happy with the way the film was edited to portray them I do feel that the inspiration it has given to others to live the lifestyles they want is so positive. It's this film that made me realise it's possible to live this lifestyle and I'm so much happier for it!
