Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Things To Make and Do - Union Jack Tea Cosy

As I mentioned in my last post I have recently forced myself to sit down and write a list of all the sewing and knitting projects I have currently on the go (or should I say on the floor, in a box in the corner, not be looked at until utter boredom sets in) and quite frankly it is worrying just how many UFOs there are, especially as most of the things I started were intended to be for my (two years in the saving and planning) summer holiday, which starts at the end of the pressure then!

Union Jack Tea Cosy
(UFO & Stash Buster)

First to be ticked off the list was this fabulous knitting pattern for a very patriotic Union Jack Tea Cosy by the lovely Anna from Audrey's Tea Shop. I knew the moment I saw it that I would have make one as it is not only very patriotic but it is also in my favourite colour combination red white and blue!

Meet the cosiest teapot in the country!

It is a very simple and surprisingly quick pattern to do (though I have to confess to only doing the fair isle flag on one side, as I didn't have enough blue wool) and is the first time I have attempted to do Fair Isle in garter stitch, which proved a little tricky at first as I kept forgetting to bring each yarn through to the back before starting on the next colour, but after a few rows I was all sorted and knitting up a storm (in a teapot! does that even work?!)

My first  pom pom since childhood, I used to make tonnes of them if you ever had a gift from me as a kid there would have been a pom pom on it!
I did need to scale the pattern a bit down to fit my petite pot (2 cuppas rather than a 4), but found after doing a bit of maths (eek!) and test swatch, that if I knitted it on smaller needles and used 4 ply wool instead of DK then I could follow the pattern to the letter, with no complicated pattern reworking to contend with, which made me very smug indeed!

So there you have it my very first tick on the mighty UFO list...Now I just need to put the kettle on and test this cosy out...Fancy a brew?

Wendy x


  1. Thanks for showing this Wendy - I've downloaded the pattern to make. Well, put on my list anyway!

    K xx

  2. Wow I love this and only the other day I was saying the OH that I wanted a new tea cosy. I am going to start making this straight away

  3. Oh, that is lovely, if only I had the patience to knit!

  4. So lovely! I might try this myself, I need a smaller tea cosy after I broke my large tea pot.

  5. what a patriotic cute cosy, love pom poms.
    gracias for visiting amor.

  6. Doesn't it feel great to tick a project off your list? The tea cosy is so fun, I have to admit it's one of those things that I've never thought about knitting! Maybe this will change now... x

  7. Such a great little knit - I love its jaunty pom-pom! Don't even get me going about UFOs, as I still have a cardie to finish from 2009!

  8. That is awesome. It is going straight in my Ravelry queue!

  9. That's just gorgeous! Glad to know I'm not the only one with a pile of unfinished stuff - I just found another bag of half finished knitting I forgot I had.

  10. Thank you ladies!! I'm Glad you all like it and glad to know I'm not the only one with UFO disorder!!!

  11. Oh I love a great cup of tea and the tea cosy is absolutely adorable!!
    May xx

  12. so cute,
    I have just started to learn knitting,
    doesnt look as nice as yours

  13. How adorable!!

    x Aliya

  14. So sweet.
    Thank you for adding me to your blog roll, much appreciated.

  15. like this but pattern no longer available 😡
