Wednesday, 1 June 2011

And the Winner is....

Wow, I never expected so many entries's into the competition, thank you all again for you lovely comments.

So on to the winner of the 'Stitchcraft Mag and Crocheted Beret'.

I used a Random No. gizmo to work out the winner and so the winner is...

Comment No. 17 which is Nicole from Nicole Needles blogspot!

Also as I had a bit of wool left and plenty of time, I decided to make a runner up prize of another red 'Crochet Beret'

So again, by the powers of the Random No. gizmo the winner is....

Comment No. 24 Which is Anabelle from the Vintage History Student Blogspot!

Congratulations Ladies!!!

Wendy x


  1. Oh noooo,
    why not me?!?....:-)

  2. Oh no! I'm so very jealous! But congratulations to both winners, even if I am green with envy :)

  3. congrats to the lucky winners.

  4. congratulations. can i still have one? :-)
